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Monday, 13 January 2014

Living a Happy Life in the Complex World

The very idea to stay happy is to be satisfied. There are no rules for a happy living – it depends on how you take things in life & deal with situations - either positively or negatively. Our thought process defines the state of happiness/sadness. The following are certain dip-stick notes that will help you realize that LIFE IS TRULY BEAUTIFUL – a ride that never ends:

Love yourself: The foremost aspect is to love yourself. If you do not respect yourself, least can be expected from others. People who love & respect themselves are least concerned about opinions of others. If you are happy with what you do/who you are/what you want to be,... there is no one who can stop you from achieving your goals. It is time to understand that ‘U’ are UNIQUE. It is ‘U’ who can create a difference in others life.

Follow your heart: To be successful, both personally & professionally, one needs to follow his/her heart. Do not lie to yourself. Your heart is the mirror that reflects your inner thoughts. It would be stupid to not follow one's heart, because it somehow really knows what you want to achieve in life. Do what you love and follow it religiously till you achieve your desired goal.

Stop comparing: If you want to be happy in life, it is important to understand that every individual is unique & has been brought to the world with different specification sets. To compare is to insult your own self.

Attack the day smartly: Prioritize – prepare a list of 5 most important tasks you want to achieve each day. Greet – Share a smile every morning at work place. Every individual is stressed/sad/tensed due to innumerable reasons. If you can be the reason for their smiles, nothing worth it. Stay calm & gentle – The art of listening needs to be imbibed in us. People love to speak. They like to engage with those who have the patience to hear their viewpoints.

Never get angry: Waters in the ocean – it keeps on flowing. There is no point in burning your own blood & playing with your health. Educate others, share your viewpoint – and things will change. To get annoyed will worsen the situation.

Engage with people you feel good with: Try to spend time with people who cherish the best in you. Ask them to describe the +s & -s in you. Share thoughts, day-to-day instances with them and learn how you can improve your life.

Respect your parents: Your parents are the sculptors & the reason behind your very presence on earth. Respect them. Obey them. Share a smile with them everyday. Call them up, share how important they are to you and how incomplete you would be without them. They are the most important pillars of your life.

Engage in charity: Learn to give – Help the poor. How about sharing a Big Mac with a beggar? Not at all a bad idea.

To be happy is in our hands. The above notes are some key factors which drive positive energies in us. In the 21st century, where people are running crazily behind printing dollars, its time to ask this question to oneself – ARE WE REALLY HAPPY? – and you know the answer.

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