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Saturday, 11 January 2014

5 tips to amplify CREDIBILITY

Dependable, Trust and Reliability amongst others are synonyms of Credibility. Credibility, which comes from credence i.e. trust is a key component in our lives. The factor of trust is pioneer both for personal & professional living (building relations with customers, suppliers & colleagues). It is an individuals attitude towards others, his/her helpful behavior, his/her practical approach towards things coupled with an honest nature attribute him/her as credible. I’d like to list 5 tips to amplify credibility in living. Please note the following:

1. Be original & transparent: We should not pretend/act who we aren't. This principle remains same for businesses as well. The moment you pretend to your customer, credibility flushes out. People will love & respect you for who you are. A fake face idea might work for some weeks; however, to make it a long term strategy will turn to failure.

2. Be conscious to the value you deliver: It is vital to understand that we market ourselves daily. We are INDIVIDUAL BRANDS – it depends on us how we market on daily basis. To build a positive/negative atmosphere around is in our hands. Individuals gain/lose credibility on the basis of their interactions & actions with others.

3. Be an attentive listener & mindful speaker: I read an article which focused on being a good listener. During any conversation, one should hear the other person/customer's perspective with complete concentration, take few seconds to evaluate what was spoken, and only then make a comment to take the conversation forward.

4. Impress others but don’t be a Sales-guy: Do not push yourself to others. Don’t force an idea you believe is great on others. People who are calm & candid in their talks, who work with honesty, and lift others up are considered credible.

5. Don’t try to be a Hero: This life is not a comic book story with you as its HERO. So, better don’t be one. Your heroic ventures won’t make you credible, but your potential to crystalline difficulties & solutions will.

The Oracle of Omaha – Warren Buffet – is the prime example for this article. In 1990's, Warren Buffet was one of the biggest shareholders of Solomon Brothers which entered into troubles with financial authorities. Warren was persuaded to step in as a temporary Chairman. The chapter of Solomon was the darkest to Warren wherein he was likely to lose part of reputation & money. On a dramatic Sunday morning, Warren put his reputation at stake & begged the top treasury official. It was because of his credibility & honesty, he saved Solomon Brothers.

There are a few credible people left in this world.

Let’s be ONE.

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