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Monday, 27 January 2014

Am I Alive?

Guest post by Rutvij Bhutaiya

I think in myriad ways about why we are here? Why we are doing particular tasks or things, what’s the purpose behind it? In search of this teaser I lost battle, every time.  Because may be such thinking should not exist. There are no questions and no answers. But there is ‘something’, which is impossible to explain. And I believe it is already in existence, inside us.

In my life I've seen a lot of people simply appeared and then vanished like smoke. Why some of those strangers became my best friends in this life, what if I would have chosen different path?  

Today I don’t have a job and I am penny less. And I am the happiest person in this world because nobody in this world can measure the value of happiness or love or beauty. It is inside, only I can feel it. Felling sad or hate doesn't mean we are unhappy; we are, but we just don’t look at that happiness or love which exists inside us. It is and always will be.

The true thing is that we all are machines, and we work according to outside events. We express sad feelings at sometimes and sometimes we become happy, and we forget that our inner state is always being happy and feeling good.

Life is an experiment and world is your laboratory’. It’s never going to repeat, never. But we can utilize every moment. Utilizing every second, working round the clock and making billion dollars does not mean utilizing your life. Do what you love, and love what you do. If you like photography, go out there and click. I like to walk, I walk 3-5 km not for health but I love to walk, there is no logic, I love I do. It you want to become an entrepreneur – you know what you want to do, and fortunately only you know what you love, do it.

We all chase some destination, but my experience and definition about destination is different. Our journey as a life is the only destination. If you think you will be happy having a big car – your goal – or having a nice home with swimming pool. Actually it is not a destination or a goal, because at the same time your preferences do change your goals. And finally it becomes an endless journey without any destination or goals.

End of this, I found that ‘something’ which I used in top paragraph. That something has a different definition for each individual. For me that ‘something’ is right now, this present moment. And I can say, Yes, I am alive.

What is your definition about ‘something’? Place a comment because this moment will never repeat.

1 comment:

  1. I am extremely impressed along with your writing abilities, Thanks for this great share.
