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Thursday, 23 January 2014

How to Kill Stress When Unemployed?

Unemployment – it is certainly stressful. It has the power to capture most of your senses, thought processes, happy moments, to build pillars of tensions, worries, darkness and a lot more. I have seen this period of being unemployed for a long time. This article won’t quote any other individual, but my understanding on facing stress when unemployed.

I've seen a time when most of my batch-mates were joining some or the other company & entering the much talked-about Corporate World. 90% of my batch-mates became part of the profile they were not happy about. They said – Its need of the Hour. The economy is going down & you need a job. Many of them currently working, are not happy with their jobs.

I have seen months being unemployed. My academics have been sound, my understanding of the markets is fair, my general knowledge is fair –  to sit for interview processes. I never sat in more than three interviews at my college for one reason. I adore & respect a few people in this world who have followed their hearts – Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffet. The only answer they gave to what was the key to success, they always highlighted on “Following one’s heart”. They did what they loved.

I have followed my heart & always will. To stay unemployed was tough. Those were the days when I spent time improving vocabulary, building this blog – The Optimistic You, watching videos of people who changed the world by following their hearts. My friends believed in my thoughts, my dreams that someday I’d grow successful & this struggle was worth it.

The following are certain keys I’d share to unlock stress & the fear of being unemployed:

- Do not feel jealous to what others are doing or how far they have gone. Follow your heart.
- Not to leave hope & believe things would settle down for good.
- Believe that you can & you will.
- Engage time in reading fruitful articles in sync to the kind of profile you want to be a part of.
- Engage with your friends – share thoughts & ideas.
- Improve yourself – personal development till the moment you land up the career you wish to proceed with.

Friends, the core is to believe in yourself. You cannot lose. Life will hit you hard with a brick – do not lose faith. Follow your heart – for this will keep you happy & focused to what you want to achieve in your life.

My last words on Unemployment – Enjoy this phase in life. It’s worth exploring. ;)

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