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Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Identify the WRONG you want to RIGHT - Steve Jobs

A tyrant, hippy - billion names to the guy who revolutionized the globe through his dream company ‘Apple’. The one who believed in himself, passionate about the job and dedicated to change the world - yes, I’m referring to the Big Daddy of the Technology Age, ‘Steve Jobs’.

Steve never believed in competing. His idea was always to build a product creatively - differently. A healthy coupling of hardware with the software. The man who gave birth to revolutionary products like Apple II, iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad. His fundamentals were clear. He loved what he did. The dots did connect for Steve Jobs - Founder of Apple -> Removed from Apple -> Built Next & Animation company Pixar -> Joined Apple as CEO.

The creation of iPod, as Steve says, was because of the failure of Japanese companies building battery-sized Walkman players. It was the wrong that he identified and built a handy device that could sync with the PC and store more than 100 songs. A wrong that defined building blocks for the success story of Apple. I’d like to share certain leadership lessons of Steve Jobs:

On his return to Apple & making sweeping changes, he began taking his ‘top 100’ employees on retreats year on year. Posing a simple question - ‘What are the 10 best things Apple should focus on’, he’d get a bundle of suggestions from the team. He used to list the best 10. He would slash the bottom seven and say - we can do only three.
- Leapfrog strategy comes at place when you feel you are far behind competition. Steve Jobs identified the wrongs in the iMac. Instead of making changes in the product, he created an integrated system that transformed the music industry - iTunes, iTunes Store & the iPod. Once the iPod became a hit, Steve designed the same into the iPhone, keeping the track sales with Apple.
Steve Jobs focus was to make products that were ‘insanely great’. John Sculley, who drove Apple from 1983 to 1993, focused on maximizing profits than product design. And Apple gradually declined. When Steve returned - he shifted the focus back to making innovative products. Wrong -> RIGHT

There is so much that can be learnt from Steve who was thrown from the company he created. It was his insane passion to create great products that made him successful. A company which was about to reach bankruptcy in early 90’s became the most valuable company in the world in 2012.

Steve Jobs, while giving a speech at Stanford in 2005, emphasized on being optimist in life. He stressed upon identifying what you love - for both work & personal life. He also enlightened the fact that you’d face tough times in life - don’t lose faith.

You need to follow your heart. Follow your dreams. Continue doing what you believe is great work. And that is the pathway to success.

To conclude - There are not many people left in the world like Steve Jobs. But, the globe needs individuals who are insanely passionate about creating something beneficial for humanity. It needs people who work beyond the processes set and build companies like APPLE, leaders like Steve Jobs. Last but not the least - ‘STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH’.

1 comment:

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