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Saturday, 25 January 2014

Keys to Stay Organized

Hey You! Do you plan before taking action? Do you manage your calendar? Do you prioritize your priorities? If not, better start doing it now. The battle begins as the alarm rings. Time to prove and get ready for the day. Difficult, isn't it? It actually isn't; however, we believe it so. These are some secret keys to stay organized:

1. Prioritize your priorities: Most successful people prioritize tasks to be done that day. A to-do list is the best way to manage your day’s activities. Believe you have priorities; however, it is important to prioritize your priorities. Tasks with greater degree of relevance should be completed first.

2. Manage your desk: Hey, never leave your desk dirty. Don’t flourish it with useless papers, files, and other things. Understand it is difficult to organize the desk on top of important meetings, work, priorities, etc. Take an hour every week to organize your desk. The investment to stay organized is one great way to deal with emergency situations – makes it easier to get data, papers and files resulting in saving time.

3. Set aside 20 minutes to evaluate the entire day: Make sure you keep 20 minutes to evaluate & analyse how the day passed. These 20 minutes will help you prepare for the coming days. Prepare a list of do’s and don’ts – learn and try improving yourself. Also go through the remaining work – assignments to juniors, respond to voice-mails & emails, file things you need, and clean up the rest.

4. Maintain a Calendar always: Prepare a calendar – organize your activities. Maintaining a calendar either on your smartphone or sticky notes makes sense. This will keep you updated for the meetings, tasks to be done.

5. Set goals & stay focused on them: Your target should always be to hit the ‘Bulls Eye’. Remind yourself of the goal day-in and day-out. This will help achieve the success you dream of. Your goals should be realistic & encouraging.

And yes, never forget to add the ingredient of ‘optimism’ whilst preparing the dish. Optimism, hard work coupled with being organised will surely help you achieve success. A little investment of time, develop a system to keep a track of key things will assist in creating a personalized road to productivity.

Stay focused, Stay optimistic and STAY ORGANIZED.

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