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Monday, 3 February 2014

Professional 'You'

Is it all about being professional at office? Believe it isn't. They say – ‘You can never make friends in the professional world. You make friends at school/college and they stay with you forever’. Is this norm correct? Don’t people work at the corporate? Are they super-humans you can’t be friends with? Or is it that your thoughts are confined? They further say – ‘Complete your tasks & deliver the same in time. This should be your ultimate goal at the end of the day. Focus on what you do & forget about others’. Believe we were taught not to be selfish during schooldays. Are we not acting selfish NOW?

The Answers to the above questions are – Hey you, humans work in the corporate. Feel free to interact and make friends in there. The corporate world is meant not just for ‘Networking’ but to make long lasting friends. The world is full of crazy ones – bunch of crazy one’s with your kinda habits are stuffed everywhere. So, don’t worry, you won’t feel apart.

You have to fulfill your KRAs but thats not what your job is limited to. Gel up with people – share thoughts, ideas & you never know – you’d come across a billion dollar thought that changes your world. Sometimes you meet dynamic people at workplace. You get a lot to learn from them – both at personal & professional level. I don’t say – make friends with the entire organisation; however a bunch of geeks is worth it.

Be it friendship of this incredible duo – one who’s age is around 58 & the other approx 85. The differences in their thought processes is approx 2 decades (as per age). So, does that mean – they shouldn't be friends? I’m referring to Bill Gates & Warren Buffett. They are recognized as symbols of professional togetherness. Their companies come from varied industries; however, they identified a common knot – ‘Philanthropy’ and that built  a strong bond.

To become professional – firstly you need to be human. Don’t be selfish. Don’t judge others. Bet you are no better. Build an impression, carry positive attitude that people adore & love to interact with you. And thats what will make you professional.

Time to give a thought and have a look at the following check-list. Just say Yes/No to the following. Be true to yourself.
The moment I enter the office, I share a  smile with everyone.
I help others if they get stuck in work.
I never envy others.
I never take credit of other people’s work.
I gift others (atleast my team) on their birthdays.
- I sympathize if they are sad & try to revive their moods.

If all your answers are YES – believe you’re doing great. And carry on with the same. If you have Nos – believe you need to work on them. Nobody in this world is perfect. Its never late to start learning.

‘     Professional You’ – is a collaboration of work with happiness. Its all about how you treat others. Life is all about giving & sharing happiness. Be You & Be Professional.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Failure defines The Power to Win

What wins comes under the category of ‘Success’ and the other enters ‘Failure’ by default. There is a perception that success is on the radiant side, whereas failure belongs to darkness. 

The term failure is far more passionate than success. Believe one should be proud of ‘Failure’, at-least he/she worked hard on a particular project. There are millions of people who don’t even give a try. To fail means to understand ways that don’t work. “I have failed hundreds of times. And I’m proud of that. I get to know ways that don’t work. I learn 100 new things through every failure. And some of these learnings help me design pathways to success”, says Aamer Rushnaiwala, Owner, ‘The Optimistic You’.

You have to taste the bitterness of Failure to be successful in life. Take any example – From Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffet amongst many others have failed first, and then succeeded. And they are proud of their failures. You may like it or not; however, failure is the stepping stone to converting your dreams to reality.

The secret to Success:

- If you fail, either once or series of it, keep on working as hard as you did for the first time.
- Not to get disheartened when meet failure, once or multiple times.
- Learn whats working & whats not from failure. Analyse, write suggestions and then, bang on the target with a fresh approach and similar commitment.

This, I believe, has helped me work on my dreams. To commit errors is part of life. Believe every failure is an achievement, for you know what will work & then, charge with thrust to meet your targets/complete the project and attain success.

If you are giving yourself the permission to fail – you, at the same time give the permission to excel. Nobody can ever be interesting by not failing. The greater is your intensity to fail and get stronger and revamp, the better are you as an individual. Have you ever met someone who’s had a palatial living with no or zero struggle? Bet, you’ll meet none.

You are a Winner. You should not be afraid of failing. Losers are damn scared. They, who avoid failure do the same to success. The best of the individuals in the world (wealthy, famous,...) have been great failures. You take risks in life – and you know – there will be events when you fail & events when you succeed – and both are equally important.

Failure should not stop you from being successful. When you attain success – be on the tip of the mountain and you recall the landslides you fought with, severe weather conditions you dealt with – you realize that you didn't give up. And you are a Winner.

Keep on working – trying, you'll be successful. To keep on trying is the best way to defeat failure. Your try kills the fear of failure, eventually kills failure.

And it is here when we say, ‘Failure defines The Power to Win’.